[Etc] 투표 시스템을 위한 블록 체인 기술

3 min readMar 28, 2021

4월 7일 재보궐선거가 약 한달(a moNth) 앞으로 다가왔습니다. 특히 최대 격전지인 서울에서는 여야 맞대결 구도로 선거가 치러지면서 전 국민들의 관심이 집중되고 있는데요.

이런 국가의 중요한 행사인 투표.
호주, 벨기에, 브라질, 캐나다, 에스토니아, 프랑스, ​​독일, 인도, 이탈리아, 나미비아, 네덜란드, 노르웨이, 페루, 스위스, 영국, 베네수엘라 및 필리핀과 같은 많은 국가에서 온라인 전자 투표 시스템을 고려했지만 전통적인 전자 투표 시스템은 신뢰가 부족하여 투표가 올바르게 계산되었는지, 변조되었는지 여부는 알 수 없습니다

중앙 제어가없는 개인 정보 보호, 보안, 투명성, 정확성, 분산화와 같은 속성을 제공하는 블럭 체인 기술이 가장 안전하고 편리한 불변의 시스템이 되지 않을까요?

오늘은 이 투표 시스템에 블럭체인의 활용을 제안하는 흥미로운 기술 논문이 있어 공유드립니다.

Citation Rihab H Sahib and Eman S. Al-Shamery 2021 J. Phys.: ConF. Ser. 1804 012050

2.1.2. E-Voting system using Blockchain technology Indapwar and et al., 2020 [2] used Ethereum framework to provide an environment for blockchain that is a hybrid system ( permissioned, public and shared blockchain) where all votes can be viewed by the public for transparency, and created smart contract for e-voting applications, in which blocks of data are stored in the ledger, where each block consist of multiple votes that are verified by the smart contract before they are stored in the blocks of blockchain ledger, otherwise the votes cannot be added to the block. A challenging issue is the speed for verifying transactions. 2.1.3. Blockchain Based E-Voting Recording System Design Hanifatunnisa and Rahardjo, 2017 [3], proposed a method that depends on an in advance determination turn for every node in the blockchain and record the results of voting using the algorithm of blockchain from all places of election. it aims to preserve data integrity.

2.5. E-voting systems based blockchain with known ability for changing the vote 2.5.1. BIDS: Blockchain Based Intrusion Detection System for Electoral Process Odaudu and et.al., [22] proposed an electoral collation process joined with Blockchain technology into evoting system. The system has the following stages: Accreditation and verification, queuing, voters, casting votes, counting the votes and result sent to center. Each stage of collation process is encrypted and saved in a block, the generated transactions are hashed and the hash values are hashed again to introduce a parent block, all blocks are chained to form a peer network of that stage. At the voting stage, the results at a polling unit can be casted to the Local Government Area electoral collation. At collation center, all the block of hashed results casted from a section is nested to form a blockchain . In furtherance of the process, every collated result at the local center is further integrate into a blockchain of state collation and finally all results are sent into a centralized national database. each block in the blockchain keeps the record of the previous block header to prevent any attempt of altering the results. As any change happens will destroy that block of results and as well as all the following blocks. 2.5.2. Block Chain based cloud computing model on EVM transactions for secure voting Sathya V and et al., 2019 [23] proposed a system that uses Blockchain technology for securing data storage with a traditional Electronic Voting Machine EVM that records the votes and update using a cloud based storage called Software as a service (SaaS). The ballot information for each voter is stored as a block and the hash of that block is sent to cloud based storages using low bandwidth internet, a server (receiver station) receives the data from the cloud and stores it in a hash table in a cloud in which the hash of each block will be compared with the hashes on EVM identifying the tampered votes that will be noticed once the votes are tallied and rejected as NOTA blocks.




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